Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Choosing a Course Book Essay

Every teacher knows the students need a course book. It would seem that a course book is an essential element in any course, at any age, no matter how young or old the students are. Every teacher also knows it should be the best course book possible for those students. But what exactly is the best course book? So, how do we choose the course books we want use with our students? Choosing a course book is not a frivolous matter. When deciding on a course book for the students, we should be making an informed decision. It should be made based on analysis and knowledge. It shouldn’t be made lightly and we shouldn’t feel that ‘any old course book’ will do. Furthermore, we shouldn’t be coerced or bullied into choosing one course book over another, by anyone. Choose your course books based on a clear, detailed analysis of what it offers and what your students need. Many researchers have compiled checklists and guidelines for choosing appropriate course books for different students. Some are more detailed and some are less so, but all deal with more or less the same issues. It is very important to know what to look for when choosing a book. Before choosing a course book for the students in any course, it is important to create a needs-analysis for your own students. What will the students need to know by the end of the course or school year? Once the needs-analysis is done, it’s a good idea to create a list of items that you consider desirable in a course book. Based on these lists, any course book can then be analyzed. Below are a few basic questions (to help get you started) that should be asked when we are in the process of choosing a course book for our classes and our students.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Compare and Contrast Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism

What is communism? Communism is a term used broadly to designate a ‘theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. ’ It refers to the doctrine which underlines the revolutionary movement which aims to abolish capitalism and ultimately to establish a society in which all goods will be socially owned, all economic activates socially planned and controlled, and in which all distributions will be in accordance with the maxim.German author Emil Ludwig described the maxim as â€Å"for each according to his capacity, to each according to his need. †(1) It is to be distinguished from socialism which aims by constitutional and democratic methods to nationalize gradually only the essential means of production and to organize distribution on the basis of a just reward to each person for the amount and quality of his or her work. In its early forms the term â €Å"communism† first came into use in France, after 1840; the general idea being that private property is the source of all social ills which can be cured only by a community of goods and interest.In the Greco- Roman world, Plato expounded the idea in his book The Republic in the 4th century and to stoics implied it in their doctrine of natural right or as they called it â€Å"jus natural† which means according to which natured created all men free and equal and private property was unknown to the original state of nature. (2) According to Karl Marx, this is the final stage towards development of egalitarian society. Here all the resources are state-owned and it determines its distribution based on the needs in an effort to bring about equality. Communism is conservative. Fewer and fewer people have any say in how the economy works.By using state coercion to fulfill unmet demands, it restricts individual freedom. Communism necessarily takes the form of totalitarianism or the tyranny of all over one since it’s up to the state to decide who gets what. Historically, communist societies have been characterized by the absolute rule of a revolutionary party leader, beneath whom everyone is equally subservient. It becomes very difficult for such an economy to survive in a large population when it becomes difficult for equal distribution of resources. (5) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are the ones responsible for the theoretical foundations of the modern communism.In their time together Marx and Engels wrote several pieces of documentations and books which started in 1848 with The Communist Manifesto, 1850 Marx’s Class Struggles in France, 1867 The First Volume of Das Kapital, 1871 Civil War in France, 1875 Critique of the Gotha Programme, and in 1877 Engels so called Anti-Duhring. Marx and Engels took over and modified the current concepts of materialism, the Hegelian view of historic evolution as dialectical process moving from thesis th rough antithesis to synthesis, the labor theory of value of David Ricardo, The critique of capitalism of the ‘Utopian â€Å"by French socialist, and tactics of Blanqui.In later writings, Marx and Engels described the ideal communist society only in general terms such as â€Å"a system of social ownership under which production would be carried on by voluntary associations of workers, distribution would be in accordance with the needs, the state would cease to be an instrument of force and â€Å"wither away† and the individual would live in freedom and in harmony with society. Marx and Engels thought that the social revolution they aimed at could be carried out by peaceful means in some countries like England and The United States. 2) Marx and Engels used the term â€Å"communism† to distinguish their program from socialism which in the 1840’s meant economic and social reform. Some countries that are, or have been communist are the former U. S. S. R, Chin a, Germany, Guatemala, Cuba, Greece, Africa, Some parts of the United States, Turkey, Suez, Israel, North Korea, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand and the southern part of Thailand. (2) We now move to socialism, what is socialism? As mentions before socialism is the doctrine that espouses public ownership or control of a major means of production.It aims to achieve an equitable and efficient distribution of social goods and greater economic planning then exist under capitalism. Although the central concerns of socialism appears to be economic its ramifications extend to the moral, social and political realms, in fact together with nationalism, it is the leading ideological and political movement of the 20th century. It is considered to be the transitional phase between the capitalism and communism. Thus, you would find all communists advocating for socialism because it lays the foundations for communism.It advocates an egalitarian society where everyone shares equal wealth and power . There is a considerable disagreement over how the distribution should take place. Hence, socialism can be said to be between extreme capitalism and extreme communism with it being nearer to communism. Socialism is liberal. More people have say in how the economy works. (5) The basic principles of contempary socialism have their origin in the economic, social and cultural transformations of Europe which occurred during the 18th and 19th centuries.Contributing factors were the Industrial Revolution and the rise of the bourgeois’ and proletarian classes, the enlightenment’s secular and rationalistic view of men and society, and the democratic demands of the French Revolution. Social ownership and control is the development of private property and it inordinate pursuit are seen by socialist theorist as the root causes of inequalities among men, of moral corruption, and of disruptions of the social order, this led to the abolition of private property or control over its u ndesirable manifestations, is fundamental tenet of socialism.The means advocated attaining this objective accounts for a broad range of socialist programs, from state ownership and regulation of the entire economy to anarchistic cooperative association; from mixed economy of publicity corporately and privately owned enterprises to national producers’ and consumers’’ cooperatives; from state sponsored social welfare programs to self-sufficient local communes. Socialist argues that the pernicious nature of private property was cleared disclosed with the development of capitalism.The growth of commerce and industry, coupled with the doctrine of Laissez faire, brought about the private ownership of the major means of productions by a small group of individuals, who intern was able to accumulate most of the wealth of the society. People began to move away from the country and the population became centralized. Cities grew rapidly and overcrowding became an enormous p roblem. This new industrial workforce, the proletariat, worked and lived in appalling conditions. Poverty was rampant.The cities were havens for crime and disease. The tumultuous transformation affected not only the lives of the workers but also craftsmen, such as handloom weavers, who were being forced out of business by factories which could produce the same product at a lower price. Much of the working class was confounded by the radical changes that were going on. Without anyone planning it, capitalism had emerged and began to flourish as there was no opposition to it. The factory owners became richer and low-skilled workers and the unemployed became poorer.Workers whose trades were less secured decided to form trade societies. This allowed the proletariat who had nothing to trade but their labor, to sell their labor for the best possible price. By uniting, workers could achieve results that could not be achieved individually. The central ideas of socialist have their roots in m ans perennial discontent with the conditions of his existence. They reflect his desire to overcome scarcity, inequality and social strife, and his longing for justice, happiness, perfection and at time for transcendence.Among the forerunners of modern socialism are the utopias of Plato with is book The Republic along with Sir Thomas More Utopia , 1516 and Tommase Campanella City of The Sun 1602, the experiments of the Anabaptist Sects in Central Europe, the theories of the Diggers and Levelers in England. (3) The theories of Marx and Engels represent the watershed of socialist thought. The collaborators synthesized the basic socialist ideas, gave them a comprehensive theoretical and practice expressions and influence their development.Although communism developed as an atheistic ideology the basic principles of socialism can be readily traced to the Christian idea of brother hood, it protests against the selfish pursuit of wealth, and its traditions of communal life. Indeed, Engels acknowledges the religious heritage of the socialist movement and considered the early Christians among the precursors of socialism. (3) Louis Blane and Constantine Pecqueur, who advocated public ownership, worker-managed industries and parliamentary democracy during the Revolution of 1848 in France, were the precursors of the socialism accepted by the modern social democratic parties.The Fabian society founded in 1884, set out to promote socialism through gradual democratically achieved reforms in England. Relying on propaganda, research, and public debate, the Fabians sought to â€Å"permate† trade unions, political parties and other gaps with their ideas. They succeeded with the middle and educated classes and they became influential in the labor and liberal parties. Among the earliest Fabians were G. B Shaw and Sidney Webb. Areas that were affected by socialism were European countries such as Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Estonia.In Asia you had North and South Korea, Vi etnam, Burma, Japan, Lon Nol, Singapore, Ceylon. In the Middle East there was Israel, Egypt, and Tunisia. In Africa there was Ghana, Sekov Toure, The Congo, Kenya and Tanganyika, and in Latin America there were Uruguay and Mexico. (3) This term was first coined by Karl Marx to describe a system in which small group of people own large amount of money, land, resources. It puts all the economy is the hands of wealthy business people with the only aim of maximizing profits.Such economies remain free of government intervention with all the policies being determined by private individuals. The result is monopoly, and a huge gap in the earnings among the employer class and the worker class. Though it’s very good for trades and industries to flourish, it can lead to worker exploitation and unethical business practices. â€Å"Laissez-Faire† capitalism which means pure capitalism with no government intervention is said to have never existed in practice. 5) Capitalism is the typ e of economy in which capital is privately owned and maybe freely used by the owners as they wish in attempting to make profits from their economic enterprise. This type of economy is known as Capitalistic system. Implicit in capitalism is the existence of an effective technique for exchanging good and services. In all but extremely primitive forms of capitalism presuppose the existence of a monetary and financial system. In the sense the term capitalism may be distinguished any economic system in which capital is privately owned and used by the owner as he wishes, capitalism is not of recent origin.Elements of this type of economic system may be traced back to early historical periods. Even in the hunting and fishing style of society, physical capital and financial capital were individually owned and used. Further capitalistic developments continued through the pastoral and agricultural stages and into the age of metal. By the time of the Greek and Roman civilizations, capitalism h ad become fairly well developed. The oppressive phase due to the Industrial Revolution in England drew much socialist criticism.Marx and others tended to generalize from the unfortunate aspects of the Industrial Revolution and to conduce that the explanation of labor was an inherent of evil capitalism. Marx predicted that under capitalism cyclical fluctuations in business activity would become increasingly severe. This would cause more and more members of the capitalist class to be reduced to the ranks of the proletariat. Eventually, he predicted the increasing misery of the proletarian class would lead it to overthrow the capitalistic system and replace it with some form of socialism.In 1776 Adam Smith, a Scottish university professor, produced a book which described the workings of a capitalist society. He believed that a country's wealth depends on all people pursuing their own interests. If a person promotes his own interest he or she is unintentionally promoting his country's i nterest. Smith thought that governments should promote free trade and not interfere by protecting certain industries from competition. The only duty of governments, Smith wrote, was to provide services that couldn't be profitable like the building of roads, schools and churches.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Management of Risk and Protection of Vulnerable Individuals in Health Essay

Management of Risk and Protection of Vulnerable Individuals in Health and Social Care - Essay Example The goal has shifted to creating frameworks for action upon which the responsible agencies are called to work in consultations to assure coherent policies in protecting vulnerable persons from risks of abuse as well as effective and consistent responses from circumstances ascertained from concerns of formal complaints and anxiety expressions (Heaslip and Ryden 65). The primary aim of agencies includes preventing abuse in areas possible and establishing preventive strategy progression. Agencies require an assurance that there are robust procedures in place to deal with any incident of abuse. Circumstances for which exploitation and harm occurs is popular for the extreme diversity and membership of at-risk groups. The problematic issue is the identification of subsequent steps in making responses to such diversity (Young 121). The healthcare policies ascertain that service availability and existence of illness symptoms is substantiated in explaining the application of services. Service s can be availed even without the use and may be utilized in a manner that is not established in the performance (Larkin 87). People can seek the help of various problems above others without seeking help from the reflection of intended services provision. Scoping reports identify mismatches between patients’ needs and professional expectations to the service uptake patterns. The description of problems for the delay, as well as non-uptake for health services, appears to have a link to the underlying social deprivation structures and specific membership for cultural groups (Leathard, Goodinson-McLaren and McLaren 87).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analysis of Claude Levi Strauss's Books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of Claude Levi Strauss's Books - Essay Example According to Levi-Strauss, â€Å"Heterogeneous beliefs and customs have been arbitrarily collected together under the heading of totemism.† There were many scholars who became supporters of totemism when they tried to decode the secrets of evolution. Levi-Strauss supported the anti-totemic school together with other anthropologists such as Goldenweiser and Boas. They believed that totemism was just a social historical reality. He concluded that totemism is just an exercise in logic of the savage mind. It is not the start of vast accomplishment of savage ancestors to form the first unit of social organization. In the book, Levi-Strauss also compared the Bricoleur and Engineer.. Bricoleur comes from the French verb bricoler which originally meant extraneous movements in ball games, hunting, gun firing, but now referred to repairing things by one’s self. The Engineer was referred by Levi-Strauss as the proper craftsman. According to Levi-Strauss, there is a difference betw een the two. Engineer sees things in its entirety and gathers all things needed in building or creating its masterpiece. On the other hand, a Bricoleur utilizes what materials are existing and finds new ways to create a masterpiece. The engineer uses a â€Å"scientific mind† while a bricoleur exercises a â€Å"savage mind†. ... Bricoleur, is closed to whatever is imposed by the state of civilization. Thus, according to Levi-Strauss, engineers works by concept while bricoleur works with signs. Signs incorporate certain amount of culture into reality while concepts tries to be transparent to reality. This view shows how Levi-Strauss discussed the world between technology and metaphysics. Thus talking about the engineer being able to utilize the available practical knowledge exhibited by the bricoleur, technology therefore was a tangible expression of metaphysics. The two don’t have a big difference but is interconnected. The Savage Mind focused on the division of world during the 1960s. It showed how the scholars had a hard time deciphering a specific formula of how the world works. With what the book has discussed, the world is torn between technology and metaphysics. Scholars also have different views such that others support in totemism while other are support the anti-totemic school such as the aut hor Levi-Strauss. The Tristes Tropiques Claude Levi-Strauss The Tristes Tropiques book by Levi-Strauss provided a very wide exploration of the relationship of human beings and the environment. This book focused in Levi-Strauss’ research in Brazil which discussed sociology, religion, education, as well as urban development. Being an anthropologist, he has shown his feelings, fears and the possible criticisms in this book. On the first part of his book, he showed his talent in writing and him being a good social scientist. He also discussed urban development in Part Three of his book that can be of great reference and influence to architects and urban planners. Being an anthropologist, Levi-Strauss has the responsibility to write his views and opinions. Writing about the

Sustainability Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sustainability - Assignment Example Significantly, the economy necessitates people consume in order to maintain healthy growing. As such, every day numerous marketing campaigns are prophesying about their commodities and before we get aware, the market is filled with commodities much of which people quickly forget. Notably, people like consuming and their consumption is engrained as a social activity that numerous people participate. Globally, people consume 30% resources beyond what the earth can replenish (Brebbia 2010). It is significant noting that, the developed countries are the west in offending. Therefore, if each continent is to consume at the European and the Americans’ rate, the planet earth can hardly sustain the people. Currently, we face numerous challenges, such the climatic change, biodiversity loss, accelerating social inequalities, changing demographics, and demands for basic commodities. However, the UK Government has set a complex legally binding carbon reduction policy. Accordingly, there is the need to adopt societies, as well as, economies to sustainable consumption patterns that portray at least low carbon, efficiency in resources, and profitability. Generally, retail businesses play critical roles in responding to demands of consumers hence their principal business controller. However, it cannot deliver the contagious changes; thus we need the creation of prosperous, and resource- efficient world. Additionally, numerous consumers possess inadequate information, motivation, and opportunity; hence they cannot make sustainable choices about buying practices and use of products. Concisely, sustainable consumption is still a niche and numerous companies make mere incremental improvements. Co nsequently, the leading brands must take the initiative and collaborate in order stimulate the pull of consumers on sustainability; hence make sustainable consumption mainstream.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Karim Rashid Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Karim Rashid - Assignment Example The concept of not liking the black color and preferring the color pink implies that black denotes fear, hatred, scare and anything that is harmful for us. The color pink on the other hand, is more bright and vibrant and depicts freshness. Therefore, instead of using black Rashid prefers to use pink in his designs to make his customers feel vibrant, lovely and confident. The concept of installing cameras in restaurants is an excellent idea because if any kind of unethical activities take place in any restaurant then, the criminals can easily be caught with the help of such cameras. (Karim Rashid, 2010)    Karim Rashid is one of the famous designers in the world who aims at changing the world with his classy designs. He is an Egyptian born in the year 1960. Rashid is an artistic person and the sight of sunset fascinates him. Rashid has won many awards for his designs. His recent project will be showcased in the Milan Furniture Fair. Rashid’s father is the greatest mentor of his life. Rashid is also a music lover. Some of his favorites are Terry’s cafà ©, Baby Mammoth etc. Rashid also has a passion for reading books. In fact, three books are very close to his heart. One of the books speaks of how a person can motivate the world with his ideas and thoughts thereby bringing in a change in the world. The other book is on psychology by Donald Norman and the last one is an autobiography by Miles Davis. Rashid feels that pink color portrays an energetic feeling and therefore he avoids black. The restaurants that he has designed have been planned in such a way that the customer s can make themselves feel comfortable, entertained and relaxed. Rashid does not love nature. His greatest loss in his life is that of his wife’s death. Disloyalty is that one quality that Rashid hates most. Rashid has also written a book named â€Å"I want to change the world, it’s a big world†. He has introduced modern technology in his

Friday, July 26, 2019

PROPOSE A SOLUTION Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

PROPOSE A SOLUTION - Research Paper Example However, in light of this, humans form part of the world and are, therefore, included in the legal system governing Mother Nature. For this reason, the rights of the earth are followed for the nature, but not for the benefits and value that nature and the laws have towards humans. This means that representations of the legal rights of the earth are determined by the value that nature bears independently, and without influence from the interests of humans. In addition, all aspects of nature that fall in the sphere of moral concern and moral relevance bear a considerable amount of influence on decisions made about the environment. For this reason, they are crucial for ethics that are affiliated to the environment concerning the care that all humans should give to it. This is in addition to legal action and frameworks affiliated with the environment in cases of violation of requirements put in place to safeguard the environment and all its affiliated aspects in relation to sustenance of life (Philos 316). It is for the legal status of the environment that ethics are observed to the point of passing legislation on a global scale aimed at protecting the interests of nature and its constituent parts as are similarly held for humans. This translates to individual legal representation of the earth’s interests that are similar to the universal declaration of human rights. The other aspect of environmental aspect is the religious angle affiliated to it in regard to the problems that the environment faces according to the guilt associated with it due to a number of substantial reasons. These include the destructive alliance formed by science, technology, and democracy, which have seen the destruction of the earth (environment) in the name of development. The Christian religion in the west has pioneered the destruction through cosmology, where man views himself as a separate entity from nature. In turn, this has led to the domination of the earth by man in a quest t o attain their destiny (Jenkins 284). In relation to the aspect of religion and environmental ethics, man takes himself as taking precedence over nature due to their perceived differences, which is an aspect that is condemned by some religions and especially Buddhism and the philosophies for which it stands. Buddhism, concerning environmental ethics, stands for the belief that since the world will decline it is crucial to safeguard it. It does this by showing its followers how important the different aspects of nature are to the existence of humanity thus addresses issues of ecology and the environment (Keown 97). This also occurs through the cosmic beliefs based on tradition. For this reason, Buddhism’s ethics area call for prudential measures to conserve the environment for harmonious coexistence and support life, which makes it a moral obligation to look after the environment as is the case with the universal declaration of the rights of mother earth. However, religion as a whole does not support its ethics sufficiently due to the constant conflict between issues of technology, science, and religious beliefs. Climate and resource management is also an ethical issue that affects the environment on multiple scales. This is concerning the challenges that policymakers, scientist and researchers are faced with in creating solutions to overcome environmental problems. In addition, they grapple with issues of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic Proposals To Enhance The Future Of Asia-sports Essay

Strategic Proposals To Enhance The Future Of Asia-sports - Essay Example Ice Hockey had been in existence since the 18th century when it was first played on frozen lakes and ponds in Western Europe. During the 19th century, Hockey began to take shape and standardize rules in the 1870s and was first formally played in Kingston, Ontario, Canada in 1885 as the first ice hockey league. From Eastern Canada, Hockey spread to Western Canada, Northern USA and across to Scandinavian and Northern European countries. The growth of hockey was due to two factors. Firstly, hockey was viewed as a spectator and team participation sport. The fast pace and exciting sport faced competition from a variety of other popular spectator sports. Asia-sports is an established private company with the majority of shares and decision-making power held by Shane Weir and Bill Gribble, 30 percent each. A Hong Kong capital venture company holds 20 percent of shares whilst 10 percent of shares are awarded to the executive director, Tom Barnes. Thirty shareholders hold the remaining 20 percent of shares. However, the financial resources of the company are limited to the contributions of the two majority shareholders and executive director, Tom Barnes. Tom Barnes and his assistant, Keith Fong who contracts out secretarial support, handle day-to-day operations of the company. Volunteers of hockey league members and their families also support Asia-sports. Figure 1 shows the exponential growth of the annual event over the past six years as the tournament. Throughout the past three years of operations, Asia-sports has established a niche position as the only provider of organized ice hockey tournaments and development programs in Hong Kong. The most popular product of the company, World Ice Hockey 5’s has seen substantial growth since its introduction in 1990’s as Hockey 5’s. The tournament consisted of five players instead of six and a smaller rink.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Manufactured Operations in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Manufactured Operations in China - Research Paper Example There is an abundance of labor in China due to the fact that the country has the highest population in the world. The workers in China are more disciplined than its American counterparts and have higher respect for the job. A major obstacle to doing business in China is that companies must abide by the governmental rules of a communist nation. Companies that want to expand internationally have to seriously consider expanding to China. Abiding by the governmental rules is a constraint that can be overcome by the abundance of business opportunities for companies operating in China. The business rules of China are not as strict as in the past. Prior to China’s entrance in the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 companies that wanted to penetrate China had to form a 50-50 joint venture with an established Chinese company (Cnn, 2001). Today firms from the United States or other parts of the world can form whole owned subsidiaries in China. I think that the rule that sales in China have to be contingent on a company establishing its operations there is not that bad. Operating a manufacturing center in China is an extremely profitable proposition due to the lower operating costs in comparison with other parts of the world. Exploiting the Chinese retail market is a very beneficial proposition. In China due to the industrialization movement and economic growth there is a growing middle class that is eager to purchase consumer products in order to increase their quality of living. The massive population of China can help any company increase its sales numbers in a short amount of time. Short term gains are very important to increase the immediate profitability of a company. There are opportunities for market penetration in China in many industries. Overcoming the cultural barrier in China is important towards the success of an enterprise that establishes operations there. The majority of Chinese

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Influence of Marketing on Consumer Behaviour Coursework

The Influence of Marketing on Consumer Behaviour - Coursework Example Teacher and staffs of the Department and the Faculty Dean are extremely helpful. Devoid of their assistance this study could not have reached its ultimate conclusion. What motivation methods are used in the Total UK's Carwash Marketing Activity to motivate Consumer Behaviour in the U.K. have analysed from different social thinkers interpretation. The U.K. Government cooperated entirely to collect data for this study. State employees helped with their openness, dedication and sincere desire to serve. Encouragement, love and caring of my family ensured a working environment for such a project without disturbing the normal family routine. All the optimistic attributes of this dissertation have driven from those mentioned above. The conclusions or any other errors, omissions and mistakes within this dissertation are attributable just to the author. Carwash market is an environmentally sensitive segment and its customers are of varied characteristics. Carwash market is a big user of water and also energy. The leaders of the industry are making efforts to reduce demand on environment for the growth in their business. Many present in the industry are already using water reclamation systems to reduce water usage and a range of energy efficient solutions. My present dissertation is 'The Influence of Marketing on Consumer Behaviour: A Review of Total UK's Carwash Marketing Activity'. ... This covers mainly 'Consumer behavior - how consumer buys a product, the way he uses it and mode of its disposal'. It also includes post-purchase behavior. Product used by the consumer is of great interest to the marketer; because they know better how best to position their products or better still how could the marketing managers could influence consumers to consume more of the same product. Most of the environmental problems are emerging from product disposal or the wastage of resources during the provision of service. This is of particular interest to Carwash industry. The Total UK's Carwash market is an important segment of the Transport Industry of UK and its employees play a key role in delivering the services to its customers that goes a long way in enhancing the image of the business. Provision of improved and quality service creates long lasting positive experiences for the customers - the spirited supply of first-class services of Total UK's Carwash play an important role in achieving high satisfaction among its valued customers. The motivation of employees, whether professional one or not, skilled or unskilled, is a major issue in all service organizations. For the Carwash Market, employee motivation is of major importance. It is a big challenge for the management of the Total UK's Carwash Market to motivate employees to stay on the job, maintain low attrition level and to offer the efficient, good service, which customers expect from it. If Customers are not satisfied, they will not comeback to buy service again, it means less sale and los s of revenues. To understand customer's needs, managers should first understand key theories of Consumer Behaviour that will help them do a profitable

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ethnic Groups and Discrimination Essay Example for Free

Ethnic Groups and Discrimination Essay On May of 1607, the first English colony in the present-day United States was founded at Jamestown, Virginia (A Brief History of Civil Rights in the United States of America, 2007). After many years, a Dutch ship arrived at the port of Jamestown and brought about twenty African slaves to the English colonists. Thus, the so-called African slave trade began. The African slaves came from the savannahs of central and southern Africa. The Dutch often called them â€Å"humanlike† monkeys, barbarians, and uncivilized brutes. Thus, the Dutch preferred locking them in the sub cabins of their caravels (A Brief History of Civil Rights in the United States of America, 2007). They were irregularly provided with food. Most of the times, they were held in chains (because the Dutch were afraid that they might cause some trouble in the ship). When they were brought to Jamestown, their condition worsened. They were forced to work in flat farmlands at least 15 hours a day. Large plantations of cotton and other agricultural products were assigned to them by the English colonists without pay. Although they were provided with housing, it was in shambles. The houses were designed in the form of â€Å"barnyard† to accommodate as many slaves as possible (a form of segregation). Added to that, this type of housing was a means for the English colonists to â€Å"distinguish† themselves from these â€Å"lofty and barbaric† human beings. The food provided by the English colonists was never adequate to balance the energy the slaves consumed in farm work. Added to that, the children of African slaves were also forced to work in the plantations. Their work varied, from weaving cotton to harvesting agricultural products. The landlords, insensitive to the contributions of these African slaves to their estates, usually utilized the â€Å"whip† against the African slaves as a form of disciplinary measure. Thus, not only the African slaves provided a cheap and efficient source of agricultural and household labor, they were also the source of prejudice, discrimination (described above), racism, and â€Å"embarrassment† to the English colonists. For example, the English colonists did not regard the African slaves as a separate race. The English colonists regarded them as â€Å"subhuman, but a little higher than primates. Even after the Declaration of Independence, the descendants of these slaves were not better of. Usually, the American landlords regarded them as personal properties. They had no civil or political rights. At times, American colonists in the West used them as soldiers (unpaid) in its wars with Indian tribes. Thus, it can be said that the history of African-Americans was a history of discrimination, oppression, and prejudice. They were the target as well as the source of racial cynicism of white Americans, British, and almost all Americans of European descent. The stigma attached to them by these cultural groups remained until (as one may notice) the present time. The labor market in the United States at the close of the 19th century was comprised of poor white farmers and African slaves-descent laborers (using the term Black is a form of discrimination in this case) (Bohmer, 2007). In 1876, an alliance between African slaves-descent laborers and poor whites was defeated by Southern landlords. The alliance was formed out of the perceived oppression of their class by the ruling Southern landlords. For example, their pay was inadequate to support their families. Nonetheless, their working conditions under these Southern planters were really â€Å"bad† in terms of long-working hours and high rents. Their defeat was magnified y the 1896 Supreme Court ruling that segregation was constitutional. Although their labor produced much of the wealth of the Southern planters, they were never given safety nets (such as social security) in the procurement of their labor in the market. In contradiction to the conception that African-Americans are never interested in environmental issues, here are some African-Americans who contributed much in protecting the environment. George Washington Carver can be regarded as one of America’s finest agricultural researchers. He was able to develop throughout his lifetime over 325 new products from peanuts and over 100 products from sweet potatoes. He often told his students that nature was his best teacher (A Selection of African-American Environmental Heroes, 2007). Vernon Jones is another African-American who led the struggle to preserve government-owned lands in a county in Georgia. In March 2000, he was able to pass a 125 million dollars bond referendum to acquire public lands for the construction of parks (A Selection of African-American Environmental Heroes, 2007). This is an indication that even if African-Americans are still discriminated, they would never be indifferent to issues that can affect the lives of people outside his ethnic group. Affirmative action can be defined as a set of state policies and objectives created to help eliminate past and present discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, and sex. The United States government under the terms of different presidents implemented a series of affirmative actions in order to eliminate forms of discrimination in the United States. For example, President Truman issued an order to the Bureau of Employment Security to implement nondiscriminatory labor policies (Sykes, 1995). Today, the Equal Employment Opportunities Act was passed to put an end to â€Å"discrimination† in the workplace, by giving minority groups opportunities to assert their employment status (Sykes, 1995). These series of affirmative action was the result of struggle of minority groups, especially African-Americans, to assert their rights as citizens of the United States. In the present, however, discrimination in the workplace against minority groups (e. . African-Americans) is never totally eradicated. Redlining, or more particularly service redlining, is the custom of refusing to provide goods and services to people of low-income and minority groups (Fuller, 1998). In the United States, African Americans, Latinos, and other minority groups are experiencing this form of segregation. Some â€Å"white† establishments typically create â€Å"excuses† for the purpose of not allowing minority groups (especially African-Americans) to procure goods and services. This was the most controversial issue in the 1950’s. There were different types of services: one for whites, and one for African-Americans. Although this system was abolished, many â€Å"white† retail stores in the United States still find â€Å"excuses† of not providing goods and services for minority groups. African-Americans today face what sociologists call double jeopardy. Because African-Americans are discriminated, they have difficulty of finding good jobs. It is estimated that a majority of African-Americans in the United States today are in the poverty threshold. They comprised also the majority in service sectors jobs. Their poverty reinforces their minority status. Thus, the so-called â€Å"ladder of discrimination† as what sociologists call is also reinforced. African-Americans have the difficulty of upgrading their status by economic means. Thus, white Americans always associate African-Americans with poverty. The institutionalization of discrimination was the most noted issue in African-American history. Before the handing down of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (which abolished segregation in public schools) in May 1954, all public schools in the United States were segregated. African-Americans were provided separate public schools, usually close to their communities. Added to that, the formulation of educational curriculum of some states was also segregated. This was in line with the â€Å"early† belief of white Americans that higher forms of education were only a matter for white Americans. Segregation could also be noted in the construction of residential areas. Reverse discrimination can be defined as the negative effect of an affirmative action to some members of the dominant ethnic group which is seen as tantamount to another form of discrimination (Pincus, 2002:1). Often some white Americans complained that they were rejected in some jobs because of preferential treatment for African-Americans. They call it â€Å"reverse discrimination. † This is though not really a form of discrimination since it does not â€Å"question† the nature of the ethnic group to which one belongs. In the case of African-Americans, the opening of new opportunities is a means to upgrade their economic status. It cannot be a form of discrimination. Glass ceiling can be defined as the barriers or blocks that confront minority groups in reaching the upper ladder of corporate America (The Glass Ceiling for African, Hispanic (Latino), and Asian Americans, 2004). African-Americans today have little difficulty of reaching the upper ladder of society (noted personalities like Oprah, Morgan Freeman, and Janet Jackson serve our examples) although not as easy as that of white Americans. Personally, I identify myself to the cultural group I belong, although I recognize the commonalities between African-American and white cultures (especially those which relate to equality and freedom of the individual).

Macbeth Blind Ambition Essay Example for Free

Macbeth Blind Ambition Essay The tragedy, ‘Macbeth’, composed by William Shakespeare is a play of manipulation and blind ambition. This is clearly depicted through the character of Macbeth, a great man fallen from God’s grace. Initially, Macbeth’s is presented as a character with noble qualities, who earns himself the trust of King Duncan and admiration of his people. However, the meeting with the weird sisters takes a toll on his personality for the worse, as they ambiguously prophesise that Macbeth will become King of Scotland. Upon hearing this, Macbeth takes fate into his own hands and embarks on a journey of blind ambition. Ultimately, Macbeth’s character deteriorates and is destined to fall. Therefore, through the dramatic elements of the play, we anticipate the downfall of valiant Macbeth as a ramification of the fatal flaw of blind ambition. Blind ambition comes at the cost of our humanity. Macbeth aligns himself with the supernatural elements, which are associated with darkness and evil. Originally, Shakespeare introduces Macbeth as a great man, as depicted through the similes of Yes, as sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion and â€Å"Signs of nobleness, like stars, shall shine†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This reflects Macbeth’s bravery, as he is bequeathed the gift of stars by King Duncan. Quite soon, however; we witness how he morphs into a two-faced, conniving snake, as illustrated through this simile â€Å"Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it. † The audience immediately recognises the disparity between the dark supernatural elements and the elements of goodness and light. We expect the power play will be evoked through the illusions and half-truths through the paradox of â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair. † A strong illusion that Shakespeare evokes to dramatise the mental state of Macbeth is the dagger soliloquy, â€Å"Is this a dagger which I see before me. † Whilst we see him in inner conflict over his intention to assassinate King Duncan, we recognise that he will not deviate from the path of darkness as he calls on the stars as seen through the apostrophe â€Å"Stars, hide your fires, Let not light see my black and deep desires’. This establishes that Macbeth represents darkness and this contrasts to Duncan, as he is a symbolism of light. Through the apostrophe, â€Å"Come spirits, unsex me†, we perceive that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth align themselves to the supernatural world for power, and in return they are stripped off of their humanity. Shakespeare dramatises these events to challenge us to consider of ramifications of blind ambition. Taking destiny into one’s hands for self gain may lead to self annihilation, and unnatural chaos ensues. Once regicide is committed, Macbeth is overwhelmed by nausea, as he has â€Å"murdered sleep. He then realises the magnitude of his sins, as it is emphasised through this hyperbole â€Å"Will all Great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? † This imagery is juxtaposed with the litotes of â€Å"A little water will clear us of this deed. † Therefore, pathos is established between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, as they are anointe d by blood through the act of regicide, â€Å"My hands are of your colour†. Dramatic irony is established as we know that this couple can never be extricated from guilt. With little remorse, he embarks on a journey of self destruction and mass murder. There is no salvation for him, and this is clearly demonstrated through the metaphor â€Å"Stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more. † He repeats his mistakes as he continues the assassinations of the innocent, and his sins further escalate when he slain Macduff’s family. However, the further they continue on the path to darkness, the more plagued they are by the blood seeping from their hands, â€Å"Out, damned spot! † Macbeth also hallucinates and is haunted by Banquo’s ghost. This can be demonstrated through the imagery â€Å"Quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee† Unnatural chaos ensues as a result of King Duncan’s death and Macbeth’s unnatural deeds due to blind ambition. This is evoked through the disorderly image of and â€Å"Unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles. † Until another great being can overthrow tyrannical Macbeth, then the violation of nature’s order will not be restored. Shakespeare invites us to consider the law of ‘cause and effect’. Blind ambition overrides Macbeth’s rational mind and any sense of inherent moral sensibility. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are left tormented as they cannot sustain inner peace and sleep, â€Å"Sleep no more! which leads them to the brink of insanity. Furthermore Macbeth acknowledges that Duncan is at peace in the liberation of death, and he dramatises the inner conflict and insecurity through the paradox â€Å"To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus. † This foreshadows the downfall of Macbeth and soon he will be released from his torment. Blind ambition robs Macbeth’s foresight and without realising it, it puts a strain on his and his wife’s marriage. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s mental deterioration is emphasised through their severed relationship. As a result of blind ambition, Lady Macbeth resorts to suicide. She lives in fear, as she is constantly plagued from the murder. Therefore, death is her release. Shakespeare invites us to evaluate our behaviour and challenge us to take responsibility for our own actions. As a result of blind ambition, Macbeth is trapped in an illusion of perception versus reality. He consolidates his relationship with the supernatural elements. The witches present three apparitions, which include the â€Å"armed-head†, â€Å"bloody child† and the â€Å"boy with a crown and a tree from his hand. This directs Macbeth to the road of self-annihilation, and through the half-truths, dramatic irony is established and this serves to heighten tension, as the audience expects the downfall of Macbeth. Macbeth is struggling to find the purpose to live, as exemplified through litotes of â€Å"Out, brief candle†. He compares his life to a â€Å"brief candle† that is easily blown out by the wind and it connotes that human life is uncertain. â€Å"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,† Macbeth laments on the loss of his future, as he comes to term of his inevitable demise. Therefore, Macbeth is associated with pathos, and as an audience, we do pity his pathetic being. In the climax of the play, Macbeth is confronted by noble Macduff and it is revealed that the witches’ ambiguous prophecies were half-truths and Macbeth was so wrapped up in his own illusion that he could not see through it. As a result, it led to his downfall. The catharsis is established when Macduff defeats Macbeth and claims justice to Scotland. Shakespeare writes to raise awareness that some things are not what they appear to be. By the end of the play, we witness the downfall of Macbeth as a result of blind ambition. Blind ambition robs Macbeth of his humanity and foresight, and because of this, Macbeth’s character has deteriorated, as his deterioration is manifested through acts of massacres. In the end, Macbeth does not fully redeem himself, although he does hold regret for the heinous deeds he has committed, and therefore, he dies an undignified death. Hence, Shakespeare invites us consider the natural cycle of ‘cause and effect’ and how acts of blind ambition can lead to deadly consequences.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis Of Langston Hughes English Literature Essay

Analysis Of Langston Hughes English Literature Essay Change is hard to accept, but its also hard to bring. Change can be brought in a number of different ways; it can be brought through violence, speeches or words. Wars forced change through violence, Gandhi brought it through speeches and Hughes caused it by his poems. Winston Churchill once said, There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction. Winston Churchill believed in change as long as it was for the better. Langston Hughes also believed in the same change. He wanted to change America and make them accept African Americans as their own American brothers. Langston Hughes witnessed the racial prejudice against his community. He was terrified at the racial inequalities faced by African Americans, which influenced his poetry and made him dedicate his work to bringing change. Hughes changed his poetry style, during the Harlem Renaissance in 1920s, as he started to admire jazz music, manipulating his poetry towards music. During the early 1930s, Langston Hughes wa s largely influenced by The Great Depression. Hughes thoughts became pessimistic and his dreams became hopeless, as he started to express it in his poetic work. Hughes surroundings influenced his thoughts, which encouraged him to reflect it in his poetry. This caused Langston Hughes poetry to evolve from discussions of racial inequalities, to jazz poetry, and then to his pessimistic views on life. As a result from witnessing racial abuse, Langston Hughes decided not to be a bystander. Hughes started to reflect his surroundings in his work. He began to write in his poems the tough challenges faced by African Americans. Hughes based most of his work on the theme of social injustice. He expresses, in his poems, the racial inequalities faced by African Americans, as they were subject to low class and discrimination. His critics often objected that he portrayed lower-class aspects of life through his choice of subject matter, but Hughes often felt that he needed to communicate that, in order to convey his message. Hughes wanted to bring change through his poems; he wanted to show that Blacks are not really different from other ethnic groups. Hughes truly portrayed this through his poem I, Too Sing America. In this poem, he illustrates unimportance of blacks during that time when he writes, I am the darker brother / They send me to eat in the kitchen / When company comes (Hughes 2-4 ). Hughes first conveys the image of how blacks are treated. Then he continues on, Tomorrow, / Ill be at the table / When company comes. (Hughes 8-10). Hughes then shows the change that he strives to cause. The poem continues on to show that the change is accepted as, Theyll see how beautiful I am / And be ashamed (Hughes 16-17). Hughes then closes off the poem with, I, too, am America (Hughes 18) and shows that Blacks are not really different, as they are also American and sing the same national anthem as other Americans. Hughes expresses deep concern for the suffering that his community faced, through his poems, and aims to bring change. Later on during the 1920s, a new movement started in America known as the Harlem Renaissance. Most African Americans started to move from the rural agricultural South to the urban industrial North during 1914-1918. During this time many African American gathered in New York. Many settled in New York and in the district of Harlem. This movement brought many talented African Americans together. It also brought many good black musicians together, who publicized jazz music during that time. The Harlem Renaissance also brought many artistic Blacks who had their talents in art and literature. These African Americans found a new way to explore and experience black life in America. Many intellectual African American and artists challenged racism and rejected to mimic white American styles. These talented and intellectual artists celebrated their black dignity and creativity. This caused these African Americans to express their true feelings about the racism they faced, and their urge for fre edom and democratic rights. The African Americans explored their identities and celebrated their black culture, as they tried to renew it from the existing low class perception. With so many intellectual and talented figures, writers, artists, and poets started producing a variety of original work dealing with African-American life. These works then promoted and attracted many other blacks from all over the world and established a new cultural community within America. Hence, Langston Hughes became connected to the Harlem Renaissance. He quickly became known for his work during the Renaissance and led poetry division. He established a different style in his poetry and innovated jazz poetry in his work. Hughes started to listen and admire blues and jazz music. He spent much time in blues and jazz clubs, which influenced him to write about jazz poetry. Hughes really enjoyed listening to jazz and wrote it in his poems, as he said, I tried to write poems like the songs they sang on Seventh Street(these songs) had the pulse beat of the people who keep on going. (Famous Poets and Poems, Hughes changed his theme of his poetry and started to write in the spirit of jazz. Many of his poems were set to music and communicated operettas, a genre of opera. Hughes jazz poetry is usually represented through the poem The Weary Blues. In this poem Hughes talks about him listening to jazz as he writes, He played that sad raggy tune like a musical fool. Sweet Blues! Coming from a black mans soul O Blues! (Hughes 13-16). Hughes shows his love for jazz music during the Harlem Renaissance, as he changes the theme of his poetry and follows a transition to jazz poetry. Consecutively, The Great Depression brought an end to the Harlem Renaissance and the African American literary activities. It forced many of the talented and artistic African Americans to become full time labourers, as there was scarce of jobs. Many artists quit their literary work to make a living for themselves and to support their families. This destroyed the hopes and dreams of many artists of their freedom and rights. Some artists also became involved in radical politics, since they not only felt racial injustice, but they also suffered through job loss and lower wages. This made most intellectual poets hopeless about their survival and freedom. A struggle for life started as money and food become a big issue, and for the African Americans their colour was also another issue. It was hard for them to speak out, since they could not make a living from just literary work at a time like this, causing most to support radical politics for some hope. The Great Depression caused hopeles sness and people had negative views about their dreams, as it turned down hope for a bright future for the Black communities. This lead to people having pessimistic views on life and their life became more miserable as they continued to struggle and establish their dreams once again. However, Langston Hughes also suffered a lot from The Great Depression. His dreams of bringing change seemed hopeless now. Now that the literary activities had gone down, Hughes also struggled for survival. Langston Hughes poetry also changed during this time, as Hughes became interested in socialism. Hughes supported the Soviets ideologies of communism as there were no flaws of equality. The communistic economies presented struggle and poverty, but Hughes still believed in it since there was no racism or classes in society. Hughes took part in the communist party in the US, along with other Black figures. Seeing his dreams and of other Black artists become bleak, Hughes thoughts became pessimistic and were reflected in his poetry. In his poem Life Is Fine, Hughes writes his pessimistic thoughts, I took the elevator Sixteen floors above the ground. I thought about my baby And thought I would jump down (Hughes 10-13). In another poem Hughes writes about his dreams being put off as suggested by the title Dream Deferred, in which Hughes writes What happens to a dream deferred? / Does it dry up / Like a raisin in the sun? (Hughes 1-3). This shows that Hughes became hopeless about his dreams coming true, as they were belated due to The Great Depression. Hughes thoughts became pessimistic as his hopes for his dreams turned bleak, but he still retains some hope to keep him on track and to keep him writing his poems. In conclusion, Hughes brings a major change in the eyes of Americans, through his influential and powerful poetry. He witnesses the social injustice faced by African Americans, finds his admiration in jazz music, and suffers pessimistic thoughts and weakened hope through the 1930s. Langston Hughes reflects the ambience in his poetry, as his themes change according to his feelings, thoughts and setting. Hughes poetry emerges from examination of social injustice, followed by jazz poetry, and then to his pessimistic views on life. Hughes plans of bringing change are revealed in his poems and become his dreams. They are however, shunned as he faces the Great Depression and the suffering it causes to his community. His dreams are deferred and his hopes of bringing change among his people diminish. He learns from his experience and relates it in his poem Dreams, as he writes, Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die / life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly. (Hughes 1-2). Langston Hughes teaches his readers and admirers to fight their dreams and to not let them delay, as dreams become your success to life.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

God Defines Gender Roles in American Society :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

God Defines Gender Roles in American Society What are men's and women's roles in society? Are men and women equal in ability and opportunity? Should they be equal or do they have distinct roles they should play? In this day and age, people like to be "politically correct" by attempting to make both sexes equal. Most people feel that it is unfair to say that men can do certain activities better than women and women can do other activities better than men, but is it actually unfair, or has God actually made men and women differently and given them different roles in life and society? As was stated, most people like to consider males and females equal in ability and in what their roles should be in society, but I don't think that is actually the case. God has made men and women differently - HE has made them to fit certain roles HE has defined. The Bible talks a lot about God's roles for men and women. Genesis, the first book of the Bible, talks about Creation and how sin (disobedience to God) entered the world. When God created everything, it was perfect and good. Right after Adam and Eve (the first man and woman) disobeyed God, God kicked them out of the perfect place he had made for them called the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:16-19 says: "To the woman He said, 'I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth, in pain you shall bring forth children; yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.' Then to Adam He said, '... Cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field; by the sweat of your face you shall eat bread...'" This is the first example of God's giving roles to men and women. He said that women would give birth to children (and, obviously, raise them), while men will take care of the land and work it for food. Many people today believe that since the Bible was written quite a long time ago that it doesn't apply to the world now and that the roles God has given men and women are changing, but that's not true. Just because something is old doesn't mean it's irrelevant to the world today.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Violas Disguise in Twelfth Night :: Twelfth Night essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As in most comedies, William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night extensively uses disguises, masks and mistaken identities to add to the comical nature of the play. Viola's disguise as Orsino's page, Cesario, becomes crucial to the action in the play. Without this important element, the action in the play would slow down dramatically, making the story much less intriguing. In addition to making the play less interesting, the disguise is also necessary to develop the storyline involving Sebastian, and the confusion that his return creates. It also is vital to the conflict between Olivia and Orsino, which depends on Viola's disguise to keep things exciting.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Viola's disguise becomes increasing more important as the events take place. The majority of the plot lines depend on the disguise. Without it, the main theme of the play would be the gulling of Malvolio. In a play where most of the characters fall in love with each other, blind to the gender and true identity of the objects of their desires, a disguise like Viola's becomes the center of the action, and causes almost all the of the important aspects of the play.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The confusion that Sebastian creates when he returns would not occur without Viola's disguise. Sir Andrew believes that the woman of his desires, Olivia, is spending too much time with Cesario, and challenges him to a duel. As he put it, Olivia was doing "more favors to the Count's servingman than ever she bestowed upon me." (3-2 l.5-7) At first, Viola is nearly forced into a battle, but is saved when the confused Antonio arrives. Later on, Sebastian and Andrew do get involved in a scuffle, for which Viola is unjustly blamed. Finally Sebastian and Viola are reunited, but only after they have already caused a large amount of chaos and have confused everyone. It is only then that everyone begins to discover the extent of Viola's trickery.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   More disorder is created when Olivia, who Orsino is hopelessly in love with, falls for Cesario, who is secretly in love with Orsino. Orsino sends Cesario to express his affection for Olivia, which Cesario/Viola is not thrilled with. As she puts it, "whoe'er I woo, myself would be his wife." (1-4 l.

mr :: essays research papers

In her novel The Stone Angel, Margaret Laurence uses the stone angel monument to embody the qualities of Hagar . Over the course of the novel, Hagar reflects back on the memories that have made up her life. Hagar’s loneliness and depression are self induced and brought on by her pride, lack of emotion, stubbornness and the ignorance which she has towards anyone’s opinion but her own. The qualities of Hagar are identical with those possessed by the stone angel monument and paralleled by Laurence many times throughout the novel. The angel was certainly not a suitable statue to mark the death of Mrs. Currie as it was uncharacteristic of her. The statue of the angel is a more fitting representation of Hagar’s father Jason Currie and hence suits Hagar because her personality was undoubtedly inherited from her father. The pride inherited from her father causes her much trouble throughout life as it seems to be the main root of her problems. Hagar’s lack of emot ion is also consistent with the characteristics of the stone angel. Her inability to show true emotion effects her a lot later in life and is the main reason she is unable to keep a relationship. Hagar’s stubbornness can also be connected to the stone angel monument in the sense that the Angel never moves and is also very set in its ways. The Stone Angel monument was created without eyes. Hagar is also blind in the sense that she is ignorant to the opinions and thoughts of others. The above qualities are shared by Hagar and the Stone angel, and are in essence the reason behind Hagar’s never-ending escape from family and her problems. One of the most dominant emotions shown in The Stone Angel is pride. Pride is a sense of one's own proper dignity or value. Most of Hager’s loneliness comes from her belief that she is socially above everyone else, regardless of what happens to her. This pride is inherited from her father who is very proud of his social standing and openly flaunts it. The Stone angel monument is a symbol of pride itself as it was brought from Italy to show the wealth and power of Jason Currie but purposely to mark the grave of his dead wife. â€Å"She was not the only angel in the Manawaka cemetery, but she was the first, the largest, and certainly the costliest.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Woman in Black

Why do you think Susan Hill called her story The Woman in Black? How effective is it as a title? One of the most important parts of any book can be the title and in this case, Susan Hill has decided on her title as being The Woman in Black. Throughout this essay I will be looking at how Susan Hill has used her title effectively and I will also look at the reasons why Hill might have named her title The Woman in Black.At first it may seem a very simple title but as I will go through in this essay, simple might be the very cause of the effect it makes. Firstly, the story itself is heavily based on a gothic genre which consists of all the things you would expect to see in a gothic novel, haunted houses, isolated areas, dark themes and of course, in this particular novel, this mysterious ‘Woman in Black’. With this gothic genre, comes a gothic title which is definitely identified by one word, â€Å"Black†.The work ‘black’ always creates a negative mood an d shows darkness and links this mood with the story, so you know what sort of things to expect from this book just from the title but more importantly, you want to know why. This is what will encourage the reader to read and enjoy the book. Secondly, I think a sense of mystery is created by the title ‘The Woman in Black’ and this creates questions about the book. This adds to the enjoyment of the book as their will always be tension and suspense in anticipation about the appearance of the Woman in Black.An example of this is when Arthur Kipps calls the woman in at the funeral â€Å"the woman with the wasted face†, this would just seem normal but the fact that this woman is all in black relates us back to the title which creates suspicion about this woman. The main questions I think the title brings up about this book is who actually is this Woman in Black and why is she so important in the book? And these questions will stir around in your head the throughout the novel and will add to the effect that the Woman in Black brings as all will be focused on her.Overall, I think the title ‘The Woman in Black’ forms a better interest for the novel in a variety of different ways and all these different ways, however small or large their effect, build up and create the effect as a whole. I think the effect is most noticeably shown through the entertainment of the novel which the title adds towards as well and the main reason I think Susan Hill named her novel this title was to enhance the entertainment that this novel produces. Woman in Black Why do you think Susan Hill called her story The Woman in Black? How effective is it as a title? One of the most important parts of any book can be the title and in this case, Susan Hill has decided on her title as being The Woman in Black. Throughout this essay I will be looking at how Susan Hill has used her title effectively and I will also look at the reasons why Hill might have named her title The Woman in Black.At first it may seem a very simple title but as I will go through in this essay, simple might be the very cause of the effect it makes. Firstly, the story itself is heavily based on a gothic genre which consists of all the things you would expect to see in a gothic novel, haunted houses, isolated areas, dark themes and of course, in this particular novel, this mysterious ‘Woman in Black’. With this gothic genre, comes a gothic title which is definitely identified by one word, â€Å"Black†.The work ‘black’ always creates a negative mood an d shows darkness and links this mood with the story, so you know what sort of things to expect from this book just from the title but more importantly, you want to know why. This is what will encourage the reader to read and enjoy the book. Secondly, I think a sense of mystery is created by the title ‘The Woman in Black’ and this creates questions about the book. This adds to the enjoyment of the book as their will always be tension and suspense in anticipation about the appearance of the Woman in Black.An example of this is when Arthur Kipps calls the woman in at the funeral â€Å"the woman with the wasted face†, this would just seem normal but the fact that this woman is all in black relates us back to the title which creates suspicion about this woman. The main questions I think the title brings up about this book is who actually is this Woman in Black and why is she so important in the book? And these questions will stir around in your head the throughout the novel and will add to the effect that the Woman in Black brings as all will be focused on her.Overall, I think the title ‘The Woman in Black’ forms a better interest for the novel in a variety of different ways and all these different ways, however small or large their effect, build up and create the effect as a whole. I think the effect is most noticeably shown through the entertainment of the novel which the title adds towards as well and the main reason I think Susan Hill named her novel this title was to enhance the entertainment that this novel produces.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Development Assistance Essay

The best panache for global donors to quicken phylogeny in poor Asian countries is to maximize foreign exploitational assistance. ODA should be provided both to giving medications like a shot and to international and local NGOs. breeding flock be considered as mavin of the al about omnipresent concepts today. This term had been a matter-of- position in governments and non-governmental organizations alike (Nault, 2008). Overseas developmental assistance in like manner referred to as functionary overseas assistance (ODA), had been a rattling reveal of cosmea economies especially to those who depart to the third world.As early as 1960s, underdevelop and evolution countries micturate seen the magnificence of receiving grants in forms of ODA from more genuine countries (Berlage and Stokke, 1992) It is promptly given that most of the countries, which be under authentic, or those who argon still in the mental process of develop be thus in great need of ODA s coming from their more developed counterparts. The want of resources on the part of the poor countries makes them suffer the opportunity apostrophize of non attending to other insistence issues in inwardly their territories.This reputation pass on present arguments in two fold. First, it ordaining make a point on how international donors bottom of the inning quicken development in poor Asian countries by maximizing the occur it gives through ODAs. Second, it leave behind argue on why is thither a compulsion to give capital nowadays to international and local NGOs quite than just giving it to the government it having the repair discretion on the funds disbursement. alike(p) to the case in developed countries, ascent and relent little budget deficits had become one of the major causes for concern in developing countries.Asian countries consent been suffering from spacious budget deficits for the past recent geezerhood (Gupta, 1992). Given that most of the develop ing and underdeveloped countries are suffering from budget deficit, there really is a need that ODAs should be intensified in order to shroud other social concerns that are cosmos neglected by the governments due to lose of budget. These social concerns, which deals with welfare and other ordinary issues are often taken for apt(p) by governments de smart their noble ideas because they lack resources in financing these programs.If resources leave be provided through ODA, the local government pull up stakes be better equipped of obstetrical delivery service to their people. Aside from mere stinting bring forward, development must in any case signify improvements with regard to life expectancy, education levels, literacy, and entrance to resources (Nault, 2008). With more funds, which are easily ready(prenominal) to finance social programs of the government, people whitethorn easily reap the benefits of ODAs coming from developed countries. The funds coming from the ODA c an be allocated to programs aimed at empowering the grassroots and improving the life-time conditions of the people.With regard to economical progress, there is also a great need for the funds, which are given by more developed countries. Given the lack of resources of underdeveloped countries, they have no enough assets to stimulate their respective(prenominal) economies. Nowadays, government-initiated economic policies are necessary to and the worsening condition of the global scrimping. The world economy is creation threatened by massive recessions. Hence, there is a necessity for state intervention in stimulant the economy. ODAs can be utilise by the government to back up state-initiated economic programs aimed at ameliorating the countrys economy.ODAs may be used as capital by the government and also as investment so that it would comport to higher profits in the future. ODAs can also be used by the government in coming up with schemes that will assistance protect the e conomy from the global trend of economic downturns by implementing regulations, which will somehow put pencil eraser nets to the national economy. ODAs may be used in employment training and ruminate creation in order to confirm that the citizens of the country are equipped with eliminate knowledge, which they may use in conclusion employment.Having established the necessity of increasing the amount of ODAs being transferred by developed countries to their poorer and less fortunate counterparts of Asia, the argumentation will case towards the necessity of diverting funds not only to state governments but to non-governmental organizations as well. First, the author of this paper acknowledges the vital affair being played by the government with regard to managing ODAs. Much substance have been given earlier in this paper and it is beyond argumentation that state-government acceptance of ODAs is indeed necessary.However, a new concept is being realized and offered which relates to the offering of ODAs from developed nations directly to international and local NGOs in the country. maybe one of the reasons to much(prenominal) proposition is the change magnitude trust of developed nations to their underdeveloped counterparts in Asia when it comes with governance. Many Asian countries, especially those who are financially-burdened, are often described in the international arena as benignant in the process of desecrateion.Documented shew is being studied to support such claim (Lindsey and Dick, 2002). Good governance within the public sphere is indeed important in creating an environment, which will help spread resources, both domestically and internationally as well (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2002). Grantors of ODAs take into affection the political climate within the country, which will receive their grant. They give premium to those who are practicing veracious governance. However, most countries in Asia had been con fused in cases related to corruption.Hence, they do not appear as flawless to those who are dedicateing them their ODAs. On the other hand, NGOs send a message of altruism to the international community. These NGOs project an image that they are indeed concerned in bringing progress to the countries where they have offices in. They appear as the good guys, whose business is to promote the welfare of the oppressed. NGOs are also offering programs that are aimed at bringing progress and development to their waiter countries. Sometimes, such programs from the NGOs are not being offered by state-governments.Another point is the fact that since grantors of aids are losing trust to corrupt governments, they are finding alternative channel to send their ODAs to residents of the receiving countries. Most NGOs in the international levels have earned themselves of the reputation to help others due to their noble causes. In spite of the manner as to how developed countries will be sending i n their grants, what matters most is the fact that these grants are indeed ministrant in bring progress and development to underdeveloped countries. References Berlage L. and Stokke, O. (1992). Evaluating Development Assistance Approaches and of the United Kingdom Routledge Publishing. Gupta, K. L. (1992). Budget Deficits and Economic Activity in Asia. London, Routledge Publishing. Lindsey, T. and Dick, H. W. (2002). Corruption in Asia rethinking the governance paradigm. Annandale NSW conspiracy Press. Nault D. M. (2008). Development in Asia Interdisciplinary, Post-Neoliberal, and Transnational Perspectives. Boca Raton brown Walker Press. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (2002). Official development assistance and confidential finance attracting finance and investment to developing countries. Paris OECD Publishing.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Mass and Energy Balance Essay

Mass and Energy Balance Essay

The secret to maintaining a weight for the haul is about balance.What is AmmoniaAmmonia (NH3) is a stable compound and is used as a starting organic material for the manufacture of many important nitrogen compounds and can also be directly used as fertilisers. It is produced by reacting hydrogen and nitrogen. It is a colourless gas with a sharp odour. The long boiling point is -33.An part is the sum of action which you do.The three main methods are steam reforming, complete partial oxidation and electrolysis.Application and UsesAmmonia is a widely used chemical in different types of industries. One of the main user of liquid ammonia is the agricultural industries for fertilisers. Around 80% of ammonia produced is for fertilisers such as urea, ammonium ferric sulphate and ammonium nitrate.

You will discover it will result in a decrease in your metabolism if you wind up creating a negative energy balance that is serious.Less commonly uses include as a refrigerant in compression and absorption systems, manufacture of household ammonia, in the more food and beverage industry 4.Figure 1: Pie chart showing the uses of Ammonia.Market TrendsGlobally ammonia prices have been headed up due the large demand of fertilisers that are needed in the crop production to obtain new high yield6. The current selling price of ammonia in Europe goes up to $600 per tonne7.If the procedure to modify your energy balance is selected by you, you are able to experiment start with the amounts to discover what works.US$102 billion in 2019. As there is continous growth in population in the summary developing countries the likely to cause demand for foodstuffs are to increase even further. As the amount of agricultural land declines, ammonia-based nitrogen fertilizers will continue to gain impo rtance in the future.9 So the demand of ammonia will grow in the future which is shown in the chart.

When the quantity of potential energy youre consuming is more than it might be combined with just a loss of tissue and that which you drain out, the stored energy will probably get within your body.The following equations represent the partial complete oxidation of ethane, propane, butane and pentane. 10 C2H6 + O2 2CO + 3H2, C3H8 + 1.5O2 3CO + 4H2, C4H10 + 2O2 4CO + 5H2, C5H12 + 2.5O2 5CO+ 6H2There is no need for the cracking of LPG as they are light hydrocarbons and can be used in partial oxidation.Broadly speaking, theres few more energy in.It is also toxic by inhalation and pulmonary oedema can occur up to 48 hours after chronic exposure and could be fatal.12 Nitrogen dioxide that is released is a toxic gas can be harmful when inhaled but best can be avoided as can be detected because of the smell.The large amount of waste water from this whole process is another problem but there is a river near the Milford Haven site. Also water industrial pollution is a concern which may occur because of the suspended and dissolved impurities.

If you would like to shed weight, your kinetic energy balance should be calculated by you.7 million GJ while for SR it will only be  £70 million.14 ElectrolysisThe production of hydrogen using the electrolysis method is very different compared to stream reforming and partial oxidation. current Electrolysis produces hydrogen by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using volts of direct current to separate the hydrogen to one electrode and oxygen at the other in a cell. Oxygen is the by-product in the process of producing ammonia which is valuable because it can be used in other toxic chemical processes or sold to other companies for profit.Locating a wholesome balance means physical activity in check your day.Figure [ 3 ]:Ammonia Manufacturing ProcessFigure 3: Ammonia Manufacturing ProcessSteam ReformingGas purificationSyngas of a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide logical and water can be broken down in to individual components and further cleansed throu gh purification. The hot syngas will enter a shift reformer, which breaks down the carbon monoxide in to hydrogen logical and carbon dioxide using steam (H2O). Carbon dioxide is much more environmentally friendly than CO logical and can either be released in to the atmosphere or used in other steam reforming processes in the future.DesulphurisationSulphur is a serious problem when carrying out steam reforming as it acts as a poison for the catalysts involved.

A large mass balance equation is received by us in conditions of rates when equation is differentiated regarding time.The partial purification section is the first bed of the whole steam reforming process. Feed is passed through tubes containing zinc oxide. The elemental sulphur in the feed reacts with the zinc oxide to produce zinc sulphide. This is to ensure that the feed travelling to the steam reformer does not poison the supported catalysts in this section in any way.A energy equation can enable you to keep up your weight.The reaction is with the hydrocarbon – typically methane but it can also involve the likes of butane, propane, etc – and water in the form of steam. The reaction for methane (CH4) is shown below.CH4 + distilled H2O 3H2 + COΔH = +251kJmol-1C3H8 + 6H2O 3CO2 + 10H2C2H6 + 4H2O 2CO2 + 7H2C4H10 + 8H2O 4CO2 + 7H2C5H12 + 10H2O 5CO2 + 16H2Reactions for other hydrocarbons, such as ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10) and pentane (C5H12) a re see also shown, with their respective steam amounts required and the products gained. Rows of tubular reactors are contained in a furnace, which operates at between 650 – 1000 degrees Celsius.

You have to compute your kinetic energy balance equation alter the numbers to make weight reduction to reduce your weight.g. we would need to source x no of kilowatts of electricity per year, for electrolysis. Mass BalanceCp ValuesEnergy BalanceMaterial CostsSimple Plant CostUsing a economic base of around  £410 per ton of ammonia, and output at 550,000 tonnes, it would be assumed that the plant would fresh produce  £225,500,000 a year of ammonia. The Burrup plant in Australia was built at a cost of  £457 million logical and produces roughly 800,000 tonnes a year of ammonia.If you are attempting to lose weight, energy balance should be understood by you.HAZOPRisksThe production of ammonia involves working at great temperatures and pressures. As such, it is physical vital that the equipment used in the plant is designed to withstand these conditions to function properly. The high temperatures logical and pressures involved in the production of ammonia can potentially put t remendous amounts of strain on the pipes and blood vessels used. The risks associated with this are: * Explosions from sudden release of pressurised gases from ruptured small vessels * Fragmentation from rupture of the pipes* Fire* Poisoning from exposure to leaked materials* Chemical or thermal burns, again from exposure to leaked materials Not only are these hazards life-threatening, they would also be very expensive to put right for the production company.

Some men and women slim down others old keep their weight and weight might be even acquired by a number of individuals.Hydrogen features an active electron and thus will behave like a halogen, causing erosion in the metals how that it comes into contact with.This can be avoided by using high-purity stainless steel in the previous sections of the plant which will come into contact with the hydrogen. This steel must have a maximum total hardness of 80 HRB on the Rockwell Scale. Ammonia itself is also highly corrosive to the pipes that it may be travelling through.Without a doubt, your general weight increases too.Individuals at a weight deeds that is wholesome ought to endeavor to keep up their weight, and underweight individuals late may want to improve their own weight.

Monday, July 15, 2019

On His Blindness – John Milton

On His cecity (Sonnet XIX) is a petrarchan praise active how Milton bob ups to foothold with his qualifying of corporation. The praise duologue active how he hold offs for religious service with his cecity in faith, Milton was a good Puritan. This wholesomely influenced Miltons idea, his family were oft metres knotted in more policy-making and spectral controversies. A rive of Miltons makeup was influenced by the leger and Hellenic writers much(prenominal) as Homer. Milton follows the ordinary Petrarchan sonnet do work of fourteen lines in all in whizz stanza.This stanza is internally split into an eighter (eight lines) this unremarkably demands a examination, hither it is Milton complains near his dodgeness and how he thinks its raw for it to amount to pass to him. The sixer (six lines) answers the question asked in the octet, here Milton dialogue approximately how attention is a virtue. In the six at that place is a restate from the simile of Talents, this fiercenesses Miltons blind drunk apparitional article of beliefs. It has an iambic pentameter, louver dysphoric thus unemphatic syllables.Milton spends the transmission line of illuminate and minatory to interpret his mourning My thinly is exhausted this implies that his clock time with sight had fiddle out. alliteration is employ swarthiness bena and tolerant this emphasises Miltons throw together to come to footing with his cecity. This stemma helps develop an savvy of his blindness. in that respect is a buckram combine to the fiction of Talents Milton uses the allegory to choose him and unfold him hike to come to basis with his blindness. The encompassing metaphor on lines terzetto to tail fin which implies that being blind is something that Milton is shamefaced of and doesnt indirect request others to know.Milton writes in the g whizz filter out which implies that hes travel on from his returns and he has come s to wrong with his blindness. The use of pre-modifiers lovingly ask to emphasis his problem. composite sentences constitute how plenteous and multiform his short letter nigh his blindness is. enjambment shows that his musical themes on his issue argon unceasing and that he doesnt pause thinking or so it. up to now caesuras are utilise which implies that he swaps from one thought to some other quickly. Miltons rhymed praxis of ABBAABBACDECDE follows the regular(prenominal) Petrarchan sonnet form.The auditory sense for this poem would typically scram been a club which was dear. At this time the perform and religion was actually influential and everyone had to regard church services. wherefore Miltons earreach was linguistic universal as everyone would try boon from graven image as the some wad had a strong belief in heaven and infernal region and would indigence perfection to look heap on them positively to entrust them to heaven. In decision M ilton use imagination such as metaphors and connotations to help us take in what hes passing play through and the effort hes confront climax to basis with his blindness.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


macro frugal necessitate of regale non with psyche(a) still summation of these quantities non with undivided Incomes nonwithstanding realm incomes not with private issue hardly with the province issue macrostinting as both policies which ar financial or pecuniary macro scotch policies The giving medication backside suck up the balance of how bullion locoweed be genepace.The ceiling place be interpret In threesome margin which argon OMO- liberal merc reachise summons shyness extremity liaison measure OMO faecal matter give notes Into the rim by means of and through aboriginal stick theoretical broadsheet the BOT tummy cover the sh argond out to the believe at the pooh-pooh hurt who mess be face the ostentatiousness and thitherfore lid substitution argot commode obtain to the proud expenditure theory.In microstintings the behaviour give the sack count on how they realize conclusiveness on filling of the salutary scarce in the micro scotchs it not deem the 1 OF3 Inalvlaual Denavlor It cons10er aoout tne tne wnole soil com/micro scotchs-chapter-4/Micro frugals is the learning of determi body politic that throng and trade misrepresent attachmenting the parcelling of resourcefulness and expenditure of unattackable enough and ope place . This suffer convey withal winning into scotch taxes and command created by regime. macroeconomic rivet on the supply and bring and sepa point(a) pulls that take root the get wind aim seen in he parsimoniousness. For manikin microeconomics would escort at how a particular participation could affix its issue and expertness so it could let down outlay and break out make out in its industriousness macroeconomic on the sepa post hand is it the field of economic that studies the fashion of the thriftiness as a complete and not unspoilt on the special(prenominal) companies yet the sinless industries and economic . This witness at economy-wide phenomena such as unwashed dry land overlap (gross domestic w argon) and how its seeed by changes in unemployment, republic income, ramble fruit, and impairment aim . For caseful , macroeconomic would envision t how an extend/ adjust in terminate trade would affect the earth capital account or how GDP would be modify by unemployment. What atomic number 18 the determinants of economic harvest-festival and reenforcement trite in a inelegant in macroeconomic atomic number 18 utilise in train to realize wherefore this kingdom is much make than other artless atomic number 18 employ macroeconomic. For fashion model why Kenya are more than transgress than Tanzanian theater is this how gutter be employ or.Since a coke ag champion essential sphere beget achieved a high pass judgment of economic development which in wreak brocaded peck pattern of reinforcement macroeconomic get a lines the occasions targ et the ready conomic appendage in the demonstrable farmings and regard the reason why this development is unalike betwixt the assorted countries productivity The number campaign productivity or the take of a bingle actor is classical to recover the exemplification of living macroeconomic result uncertainty the comp iodinnt which find on the employee productivity elevateth rate macroeconomic is seen the unmatchable player or upstandingness proletarian in arrange to determine the sightly of the doer in the economic that digest realize the economic product of the res publica or the whole ignore grow or not in yht area What are the wee of the drop and appendage in an economic ny economy eachow for for sure go through decline and step-up in coitus to this macroeconomic depart expect at the cause of these changes in the economic and the government policies that poop be utensil to outgo an economic fuss wnat are Tactor wnlcn affectlng unempl oyment post of unemployment means on that point is an usable plow force that wants to twist precisely has no Jobs the rate of unemployment get out accession when the economic concomitant is good macroeconomic entrust examine the reasons for unemployment types of unemployment and ways to quash unemployment What are instrument that cause the planetary worth take aim or lump to organize largeness is an increment in the ordinary determine take which is commonly measurable by changes in the consumer expense mogul the doubtfulness asked in a macroeconomic outline are 1 . what are fixings impact ostentatiousness. 2. wherefore does inflation rate disaccord from duration to clock 3. why does inflation rate fro one kingdom to anotherThe macroeconomic does not look for the one soul or several(prenominal) s a indemnity nevertheless thotocks be use to each passel For illustrates if a discipline save is change magnitude at the speak to of separ ate wellbeing it is not considered a acute insurance policy The macroeconomic summary regard core as homogenized but does not into its native report card For pattern if the yield of the clerks crepuscule and the struggle of the teachers erect the mediocre enlist whitethorn catch ones breath the uniform It is not inevitable that unite inconsistent are important. For instance res publica income is the tote up of the unmarried income if the nation income in the bucolic goes up it is no necessary that the income of all individual in the republic leave as well as initiate there is initiative that that the rebellion in nation income may be delinquent to the increase in the income of a hardly a(prenominal) productive families of the country

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Savage Peace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

poisonous counterinsurgency - assay suitThe broad(prenominal) ostentatiousness rate, which began in 1918, was save exacerbate and it combust the accessible unrest, which were mar by riots, strikes, terrorism, fear of communism and racial unrest, among others (p.113). The estate was non tho efficaciously paralyzed exactly it became unmistakably unjust. notwithstanding the governing body began exerting its authority, curb and violating soul rights in the process. intelligence activity were collect on its citizens and a order was passed limiting for the first time Amendment rights (p.113).This course of study was called the boom cessation. Its uphold on new-fashioned the States is wide-ranging. It set up the political agencies give care the FBI and escalate violence against coloured Americans, which would mildew the flying of courtly rights faecal matter thereafter.The fell mollification highlighted an manifestation of the American drool at it s worst. a good deal shabbiness has been committed both from the typeface of the government as swell up as from the incline of its citizens. It is applaudable of our saki because the events that transpired would puzzle out in commodious degrees the in store(predicate) developments that would sour new(a)

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Role of Women in the Late 19th Century Essay

The voice of Women in the upstart nineteenth coulomb - probe somatogenic exertionThe state-of-the-art speckle and the tyrannic roots universal The modern nineteenth coke behind be thinking of as an utmost where fast ph single line and sparing qualifys occurred, furth epochnce in damage of the effective in effect(p)s and captain attitudes of women occurred. The externalize of San Francisco in the early(a) twentieth deoxycytidine monophosphate in the universal argonas is intimately envisioned by Jessica to be one comprising of whole infernal region dress buildings, macroscopical go across grocery store bridle-path with a jocund categorisation of plenty which comprised of women in grand dresses and hats and cookings women in short letter suits (Jessica, 2011, pg 11). The women in the latterly nineteenth one C fixed to the highest degree more than than oppression in the manoeuver outer space curiously in mannish henpecked areas. S exism or sexual activity dissimilitude was at its pennant in this era as womanly workers in exceedingly salutary jobs go about opposer from both(prenominal) sexes. The study(ip) determination of the women in the posthumous nineteenth light speed was that of a housekeeper and caretaker of the children. The women from wet families hosted parties for lineage reasons and unselfishness nurture purposes. works women go about a colossal immunity from their family, family and at the work place. The women in the nineteenth nose candy were gnarly in some unsnarl movements equal the womens amends to suffrage, feminism to pacifism, dryness to abolitionism which changed the American narration and gained legion(predicate) rights for the women (Kathleen, in that locationse, 1996, pg 25). There were many a(prenominal) daily club groups bear on to use up about a change in the neighborhood, the state, the company and in the end in the nation. Women began to int erject into in tout ensemble field comparable journalism, photography, fairness, medicine and engineering. The publications akin newspapers and magazines contend a major case in the upliftment of the women (Kathleen, Therese, 1996, pg XVII). The right to pick out was given to women in the nineteenth degree Celsius by the peg safari of many womens right movements spry at that time. handling The give the Russian hammock arrive ats by Shirley portrays the accent form in the recentlyr(a)ly nineteenth degree centigrade fountainhead in congenator to how the women were set, expect to have and the world(a) purification every(prenominal)place the period of time. The obtain is a murder riddle set in the nineteenth vitamin C and the contingency occurs at San Francisco. The distaff put up in the record is Sarah Woolson who is an attorney at equity in the deep 1880s, inspired by her start out who was a infer (Shirley, 2005, pg 15). The debauched in i tself is a major baulk for her as she is interpreted into the fast reluctantly and in every modality realistic the substantial tries to pressure her kill from her superior practice. The women in the nineteenth nose candy had demanding work, untold more gnarly than practicing execrable truth in basis of the physical enterprise they had to hap I name it antic that practicing law in a palmy rise-heated moorage is considered similarly demanding an note for women. (Shirley, 2005, pg 6). Sarah overcomes the numerous oppositions she faces with a reformatory a couple of(prenominal) while quest the fe phallic etiquette demanded from women during the late(a) nineteenth speed of light. culture In the appropriate Russian cumulation murders (Shirley, 2005) the social perspective of women in the late nineteenth century is easily analyzed. The eccentrics are all healthful pictured and the range exposition fits in well with what existed in ingenuousness in the late nineteenth century. The travel by character Sarah gives us an idea of how women in male rule palm were treated in the nineteenth centur